Our 30+ year history of developing and applying world-class computational tools and technologies is evidenced in the technical solutions we have provided to the industry’s most complex problems. From first principles, to high-physics, to engineering level simulation capabilities, we analyze the problem to determine and provide the best solution approach. Utilization of commercial, government, and open source solutions are all considered and available and we have the capability to extend and interface each.

Recent examples include launch vehicles environment, space vehicles and weapons flight dynamics and aerothermodynamics, combustion and rocket propulsion, computational medicine and biology for soldier protection and drug discovery as well as computational chemistry and material design to support additive manufacturing applications.
CFD Research’s expertise in physics-based, multi-disciplinary and multi-scale computational modeling and simulation has been applied to numerous physics-based technical challenges associated with the design, development, operation and maintenance of systems and vehicles. Examples of such challenges include:
- Vehicles aero-thermodynamics Performance Predictions
- Coupled Aero-Servo-Thermo-Elasticity Effects
- Vehicles Staging and Separation dynamics Analyses
- Rocket thrust Oscillation & Acoustics Predictions
- Propellant Management and Sloshing Impact on vehicle stability and performance
- Weapons Lethality Assessment
- Soldier & Vehicle Blast Impact & Protection
- New Materials Design & Analysis

We generally develop software as government open source and often provide the modeling and simulation tools and data to the customer after project completion.